students at transfer conferenceThe 5th annual Transfer Conference held on Saturday, September 24 was amazing. Over 130 students registered for the event and over 100 students were in attendance.

The Transfer Center offers this conference to provide students with access to critical resources and support services that support their transfer. It is the Transfer Center’s goal to ensure all students have the necessary information about the transfer process. Through a series of workshops presented by Financial Aid, the Career Center, and the Transfer Center, students were able to learn about financial aid for transfer students, how to take their majors and transition them into careers, and how to have a successful transfer process.

Students started their day with a hot breakfast to get their brains working so that they could participate in breakout sessions with former Skyline College students who have completed their transfer journey from Skyline College to a 4-year university. A total of seven Skyline College alums  shared with students the “do’s and don’ts” when considering transfer and important information about making connections with resources on campus to help make their transfer journey less complicated and stressful!

Students who participated in the event said, “it was an awesome way to spend a Saturday,” and that “Skyline College has a lot of resources to support our transfer.”

Additionally, students found the Financial Aid workshops very beneficial to them as they also learned about scholarships, financial aid tips, and how to access financial aid for transfer. Some expressed that the conference overall was “extremely informative and helpful.”

Overall the event was a success and some students who entered into our giveaway were able to walk away with college gear! One student, Celine Dear, won a tablet that our Skyline College Bookstore manager Kevin Chak generously donated for the event.

This event was ultimately a success thanks to all the supportive volunteers, faculty, and staff who helped set up and participate overall in the event. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who participated this past weekend.

Article and Photo by Michele Haggar