Each year, from Sept. 1- Sept. 30, Skyline College students apply to the UC Transfer Admissions Guarantee Program. Students who meet UC requirements for their campus of choice are able to apply for guaranteed admissions to that campus. UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz are the participating campuses in the UC TAG program.

Skyline College has a very hands-on personalized approach to TAG, where students attend TAG workshops and meet with a counselor to review all of their options and to get a final evaluation of their TAG application. We have a strong TAG Counseling team with nine Counselors participating!

This year, 92 Skyline College students submitted TAG Applications – marking a steady increase in applicants over the past 2 years! The largest increase was in applications to UC Santa Cruz. Last year, there were seven TAG applicants to UCSC and this year there were 22! Davis continues to be the leader in TAG applicants with 50 students submitting TAGs to UC Davis this year. Students will get the final results for the TAG as early as November 15th for some campuses and other will inform students during spring 2015.

Planning and qualifying for TAG is very tricky and early awareness of the program greatly contributes to ensuring as many students as possible are eligible and apply. Thank you to all of the faculty and staff who helped promote this program on campus! The Transfer Center will be partnering with UC Davis in the spring semester to offer a workshop to prepare students for Fall 2016 TAG applicants!

Article by Suzanne Poma