transfer5On Saturday, September 28, 2013 Skyline College Transfer Center hosted the 2nd Annual Transfer Conference for Skyline College students. The staff in the Transfer Center worked diligently to publicize the event by organizing tremendous efforts toward outreach and as a result, this event was overwhelmingly attended. Over 100 students, 80% of the students registered for the event, committed their time on a Saturday morning to participate in workshops throughout the day covering topics ranging from Top 10 Tips to Transfer, Exploring and Choosing Majors, Workshops on Financial Aid and Career Paths.

The day started with a warm welcome and introduction by Dr. Joi Blake, Vice President of Student Services. This event was supported by the Career Center, Virginia Padron and Lavinia Zanassi who presented “Keep Calm and Career On”, a workshop covering “…how to counteract the common misperceptions and bloopers students make while considering their major area of transfer1study”. Kent Gomez, General Counselor, conducted a workshop on Transfer Resources. Kent had many students in his workshops eager to learn more information regarding the cost to transfer and ways they could increase their chances of being accepted in their college or university of choice. Jessica Lopez, TRiO counselor, presented students with “Transfer Tips 101.” Jenny Yang from the Financial Aid Division presented students with information on ways they can finance their education through grants, scholarships, and financial aid.

Among these highly attended workshops, the Transfer Center hosted a College Panel and a Student Panel. The College Panel featured College Representative Doris Fendt from San Francisco State University and representing CSUs, Priscilla De Souza from Menlo College representing Private Colleges, and Jacqueline Escobar, Articulation Officer from Skyline College, representing UCs. These speakers shared important information regarding Transfer to UCs, CSUs and Private Colleges that would help students learn about their options and the requirements for transfer. Additionally, during lunch several colleges and universities, including UC Berkeley, SFSU, UC Santa Cruz, and USF along with student resources such as the Student Health Center and the Opportunity Fund tabled so students could ask individual questions regarding their campus and the resources available.

transfer2The student Panel, which featured five former Skyline College transfer students, gave students an opportunity to hear first-hand the process former students experienced as they planned out their Transfer to the college or university of their choice. During the question and answer portion, students were able to ask the guest speakers about their experiences, how they decided on a college, how they juggled work and school, and what to expect when they transfer. This workshop provided students access to people who traversed the same path and were able to accomplish their transfer goals thanks to the tremendous amount of support provided to students via the Counseling Division, Career Center, TRiO Services, Spark Point, the Transfer Center and many other outreach communities and clubs on campus. In addition to all the great workshops, student had the opportunity to participate in a raffle to win Skyline College gear, College and University gear from SFSU, Menlo College, and a Samsung GALAXY Tab netbook donated by the Skyline College Bookstore and presented Kevin Chak, Bookstore Manager.transfer3

Overall the workshop was successful and the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive. Here are a few of their comments:

  • Great Event, please keep these events going!
  • Very informative and would/will advise others to attend the next one.
  • I really enjoyed the Transfer Conference. There was really good advice and information that I didn’t know before this, I am glad I came.
  • I learned that there are people here to help me!
  • It is nice knowing Skyline College takes time to make events like this.
  • This conference was very helpful. It opens doors for student to better achieve their dreams.
  • I learned a lot more about private universities and the different requirements for transfer, and that they have a lot of financial help for students.

Special thanks to the presenters: Jacquie Escobar, Kent Gomez, Jessica Lopez, Virginia Padron, Jenny Yang, Lavinia Zanassi; to the former Skyline College transfer students, Counseling Division volunteers, Lucy Perez and Arielle Smith, student volunteers, and the Transfer Center faculty, staff and Transfer Ambassadors.

Article and Photos by Michele Haggar, Program Services Coordinator, Transfer Center.