The Division of Student Equity and Support Programs (SESP) hosted the Equity Training Series (ETS) Recognition Luncheon on May 11. This program was the culminating event to honor the participation of staff, faculty and administrators in a seven-week teaching and learning experience with national thought leaders. A cohort of 38 participants worked collaboratively to develop skills, language, and apply theories about Educational Equity into their daily work at Skyline College.
The afternoon opened with welcoming remarks from Skyline College President, Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud. She commended the staff, faculty, and administrators for their efforts and dedication. Her message also reaffirmed the Skyline College’s unwavering commitment to excellence, equity, and social justice. She stated, “Everything that we do is done through a lens of our values. We need to reflect on our own notions of power and privilege and have our own self-reflection to liberate, strengthen, educate, free the oppressed, and change racist and sexist structures that exist and perpetuate power and privilege.”
The program featured 15 presentations from the ETS cohort in groups of 3-5 and addressed a variety of topics from student-centered methods of sharing information (about resources, services, and programs), creating trauma informed spaces for foster students and veterans, to Equity and Implicit Bias training for student staff.
ETS provided a structured opportunity and platform for colleagues from different departments to collaborate on projects, ideas, and initiatives to remove barriers that impede student success. The next ETS program is scheduled to launch in Spring of 2019 and applications will be available in August.
- Walk in My Shoes: Bridging the Gap Between Student Services and Student Success (Grace Beltran, Jeremy Evangelista, Connor Fitzpatrick, Martina Goodman and Regina Morrison)
- Designing a Math Corequisite Model with an Equity Lens (Safiyyah Forbes, Jessica Truglio, Miranda Wang, and Rick Hough)
- Student Voice Survey Results (Jacqueline Honda, Rika Yonemura-Fabian)
- Cross-Campus Programming to Empower Student Voices (Pia Walawalkar and Rika Yonemura-Fabian)
- Finding Your Way: A Campus Services and Resources Solution (Serena Chu-Mraz, Alberto Santellan, and Marisa Thigpen)
- Social Justice Studies Professional Development (Nathan Jones, Mustafa Popal, and Rika Yonemura-Fabian)
- Creating Equitable Spaces for Students with Trauma (Tia Holiday and Gina Ciardella)
- Widening the Circle: Equity in Academic Senate (Kate Williams Browne and Terrence Chang)
- Equity: Designing From Theory to Practice (Carla Grandy, Jessica Hurless, Ricardo Flores)
- Equity and Implicit Bias Training for Learning Commons Student Staff (Kim Lim and Christina Trujillo)
- The Night Shift: Barriers to Educational Attainment in the Evening (Janelle Barbier, Jing Folsom, and Jess Grainger)
- Equity Training Before Entering the Global Workforce (Emma Briones)
Integrating Equity into the Esthetician Program (Patrice Robinson)
Article by Katrina Pantig