On May 5, Skyline College’s Early Childhood Education Department held the 9th annual Early Intervention Conference. This year’s theme was “Relationships & Why They Matter.” Conference Coordinator/Skyline faculty Elaine Francisco brought together national and local professionals for keynotes and workshops. After opening remarks from Dean of Business Christine Roumbanis and ECE/EDU Coordinator Kate Williams Browne, the audience of nearly 200 students, faculty, and community members heard from nationally known professor Dr. Ira Glovinsky, author of two books on BiPolar Patterns and Moodswings. His keynote address on the history and foundations of the Relationship Model was followed by a breakout session on the well-known DIR Floortime Model. Clinical psychologist Dr. Lorraine Ehlers-Flint ended the conference by sharing her knowledge of the role of emotions in schools, which she elaborated in a breakout session as well.
Workshops were also presented by parent/autism expert Joseph Coffin and speech-language pathologist Robin Hauge. Skyline College Early Intervention students assisted in running the conference, and all conference attendees were given certificates for professional growth. Everyone clearly gained practical skills to use in the important work they do with young children of varying abilities.
Article by Kristina Brower