The Skyline College Dream Center Task Force is looking for new members! Our goal is to be a campus-wide group but currently we lack members from SMT and Humanities. No matter your department, everyone is invited to attend our September 22 meeting at 3:00 p.m. where you can learn more about how to get involved. No experience is needed.
What’s the Dream Center Task Force? We’re a small campus group of classified professionals and faculty, both full-time and part-time, who are allies in support of undocumented and immigrant students and employees at Skyline College. The Task Force was established in 2017.
What’s involved? Meetings generally begin with a state and national legislative update by Dream Center Program Service Coordinator Pamela Ortiz Cerda, who explains how changes in laws, legal cases and government policies are affecting or expected to affect our students locally.
Pamela also updates our group about new programs and work being conducted on campus in support of our students. Discussions often center on communication opportunities, educational activities and ways to overcome obstacles faced by students.
Task Force members help plan and support:
- Annual UndocuWeek of Action
- Flex Day programs
- Social mixers for allies and students
- Fundraising
- Migration Celebration (graduation)
- Collaboration with other campus groups or events
- Advocacy work
- Updating your Division and colleagues about the work of the Dream Center.
This summer the Task Force set up the new emergency Skyline College Dream Center Fund to support our undocumented students individually and help fund programs and events. We encourage you to donate now! See below for Three Ways to Donate.
Responsibilities of Task Force Members. The Task Force meets by Zoom twice monthly on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Joining the Task Force doesn’t require you to attend every meeting. Members also volunteer additional time towards the activities described above as they are able.
Where can I learn more? Please visit the Dream Center website and read a recent article about our district Dream Centers and students, “Undocumented students more vulnerable than ever during pandemic.”
Interested? Contact Pamela Ortiz Cerda at to introduce yourself and request the Zoom link for our next meeting on Tuesday, September 22 at 3:00 p.m. We look forward to meeting you!
Three Ways to Donate to the Skyline College Dream Center Fund
- Donate online ( 1. Select amount $. 2. Select “Designation: Other” (drop down menu). 3. Write in Other category: “Dream Center Fund.” 4.Complete your payment information.
- Sign up for the SMCCC Foundation’s recurring payroll deduction: ( 1. Purpose: Enroll. 2. Designate my gift for: Skyline College. 3.Fill in “Dream Center Fund” where form says: “OR, designate my gift for the following fund.”
- Donate by mail: Send your check to: San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation, 3401 CSM Dr., San Mateo, CA 94402. Make check out to: SMCCC Foundation. In a note or memo field, specify “Dream Center Fund” Skyline College.
Article by Jessica Silver-Sharp