Celia PenderThe Disability Resource Center is welcoming Celia Pender as our full time, Math Instructional Aid. Celia is providing one-on-one, intensive math support for students registered with the DRC as well as supporting DSKL courses. Celia has been tutoring all levels of math at Skyline College since 2011. She has also been involved in Skyline College’s Math Jam, where she focused on elementary math and algebra.

Prior to becoming a tutor at Skyline College, she was a scientist in the biotechnology industry and at UCSF. Her projects included research into Type 2 diabetes, working on genetic sequencers and performing scanning electron microscopy.

Celia holds a B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Southampton University in England. When she’s not working with Skyline College students, Celia’s passions are rock climbing and paragliding. Off campus you may find her at one of the Bay Area climbing gyms, one of the local crags or possibly paragliding at Pacifica’s Mussel Rock Park; on campus she’s in DRC’s Assistive Technology Lab in Building 5.

Article by Melissa N. Matthews

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