The Classified Senate is excited to report that as of this week, we’ve raised $550.00 for the Classified Senate Student Scholarship. The funds raised during this drive will give Skyline College students access to a quality education. Students will be able to use the funds to pay for tuition, fees, books and other expenses as they achieve their educational goals.

If you have not done so already, please consider helping us to reach our goal of $1,500.00. We ask that you donate a minimum of a $15.00 one-time donation. PLUS – All those who donate $25 or more will be entered to win a Hydro Flask and a few other prizes from the Skyline College bookstore! Every dollar counts! The scholarship drive will continue through October 31, 2019. Raffle prize drawings will be held on November 1, 2019.

Please note: This scholarship drive will be replacing the Classified Senate’s yearly See’s Candy fundraiser. While we’re sad to see that fundraiser go, we’ve found that in recent years we were unable to meet our fundraising goals. This new fundraising model will allow us to ensure that 100% of your donations will be placed directly towards the student scholarships.

If you are able to donate towards our 1st Annual Skyline College Classified Senate Student Scholarship to help provide students a better access to higher education, please DONATE ONLINE.

Your generous contribution to support our students is greatly appreciated!

Questions? Contact Sherrie Prasad.

Article by Sherrie Prasad

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