Before the Skyline College campus marched towards the finish line of the Fall 2024 Semester, Active Minds and the Learning Commons took a moment to acknowledge the stress that often accompanies such busy times.
Usually, the last few weeks of the semester ramp up the crunch time for staff to provide extra services and meet deadlines, faculty to draft exams and prepare their students to finish successfully, and students to increase their studies or even cram. These added stressors, left unchecked, keep us from retaining information or even accomplishing our goals while adding harm to one’s minds and bodies. Active Minds and the Learning Commons teamed up again to provide de-stressing events and activities for the Skyline College community to stop, take a break, and have fun!
Starting November 18, 2024, in Fireside Dining, Active Minds welcomed students with “Ornament Making,” where students worked with each other in creating different ornament decorations. On Tuesday, November 19th, Active Minds and the Library hosted the two most popular and interactive events: video games “Super Smash Bros” and “Kahoot” from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Then they followed by therapy Labradors Vegas and Meru bringing to the campus the much-needed comfort and cuddles as part of the Peninsula Humane Society’s PAT Program. Active Minds continued their de-stressing events on Wednesday with scrapbooking and finished Thursday’s edible event with “Gingerbread House Creation.” Personal Counselor and Active Minds Advisor Dr. Perry Chen noted:
“Students engaged not only with the activities, but with each other over their holiday plans and the common stress of finals, expressing their appreciation for Skyline College creating these opportunities to relax and connect, and we were frequently asked when the next events would be!“
For further details of Active Minds’ events, please read the Skyline Views article, titled “Active Minds Hosts De-Stress Week Events.”
For the first week of December, the Learning Commons continued with de-stressing activities and events in Building 5. Board games, puzzles, and Legos were provided in the Library and the Learning Center. On December 3rd and December 4th, the Library hosted two successful student lead art workshops: “Paper Collage Making” and “Paper Flower Making.” Participants, both staff and students, communed while learning how to create collages or paper flowers, allowing time to take a break and be creative! Ending the week from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. with the popular-by-demand event: “Cookie & Cupcake Decorating.”
Though our Skyline College community students expressed their gratitude for these two-week activities and events that allowed them to take a break, refresh, and find shared camaraderie with their peers, we want to thank Skyline College for allowing both Active Minds and the Learning Commons to provide such mental health services. Also, thank you to all the members of Active Minds, the Learning Commons (the Learning Center and Library), Pacifica Manor’s Mazzetti’s Bakery, and the Peninsula Humane Society Volunteer PAT Program for helping the Skyline College community seek self-care at the busiest times of the semester.
Check back next semester for more Skyline College Events and enjoy the Winter Break. See you in January 2025!
Article and photos by Sherri Wyatt.