Counseling 101: Preparation for College for International Students has returned for the first time in two years! The course was originally developed to help new international students transition smoothly into college life by providing an introductory overview of the higher education system and the major selection and career exploration processes as they relate to developing educational goals. Students learn about Skyline College’s educational programs and services, academic survival skills and awareness of personal development, as well as additional tools and information for successful navigation at Skyline College.

The two-day class was a full house with a total of 34 students enrolled. Course instructor and International Student Counselor Carlos Romero commented, “This is the best counseling class I have ever taught! The students are very engaged!” During the class, students learned about the U.S. higher education system, American classroom expectations and immigration regulations as an F-1 international student. Additionally, the students were introduced to the idea of student equity. Allen Ocampo, Program Services Coordinator for the Office of Student Equity and Support, facilitated the conversation as a guest speaker. Not only were the students introduced to the notion of equity, but the dialogue also helped them open up and feel more comfortable with one another. A student from Colombia said, “I feel good. I am normally shy but I was able to open up (during the small group discussion)”. Another student from Myanmar noted, “I don’t feel alone anymore”. Hearing such students’ comments, Allen reminded the students how “we are more connected than we think we are.”

The course provided an excellent opportunity for new international students to make friends and build a community at Skyline College. The International Students Program (ISP) provides services and programs for international students as well as for the entire Skyline College community. If you are interested in learning more about future ISP programs and events, contact ISP office at

Article and photo by Chikako Walker

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