The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) held its first meeting for the academic year on Thursday, October 13, 2016.

District Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Blackwood reviewed the San Mateo Community College District Fiscal Year 2016-17 Adopted Budget.  The District Unrestricted General Fund projected revenue budget is $163,740,351 and expenditure budget is $177,914,531.  The expenditure budget includes committed and carryover funds from fiscal year 2015-16.  Revenues consist of Property Taxes, Student Enrollment Fees, Redevelopment Agency funds, Non-resident Student Tuition, Proposition 30 funds and transfers. Expenditure budget consist of salaries and benefits, supplies and operating expenses, capital outlay, and transfers.  She noted that Proposition 30 funding is scheduled to end next year, and may be replaced by Proposition 55 on the November ballot if approved by voters.

Interim Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness Cheri Jones provided an update on the Mid-term Accreditation Report.  The Mid-term was submitted to Accrediting Commissions for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) in October 2013.  The Mid-term Report demonstrated resolution of recommendations on the following:

College Recommendations – adhering to a systematic and regularly scheduled process for adjunct faculty performance evaluations; systematic review of integrated planning and resource allocation cycle; ensuring regular and effective faculty interaction with students in all DE courses

District Recommendations – broadly communicate modification of evaluation processes and ensure full implementation; develop goals for increasing professional development and orientation of new trustees; establish regular cycle of evaluation of services and document outcomes.

Dean Jones also reviewed the Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program Special Report due to the ACCJC on October 1, 2016.  Skyline College was one of 15 community colleges selected to launch a Baccalaureate Degree program in Respiratory Care and Therapy.  The ACCJC is scheduled to have a site visit in February 2017.

Next scheduled meeting is November 10, 2016 at 2:10 pm Bldg 6 Room 203.

Article by Judy Hutchinson