The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) held its last meeting for Spring 2017 on Thursday, May 11, 2017.
Climate Action Plan Update
Grandy Bocsary, Skyline Sustainability Coordinator gave an overview of the Skyline Climate Action Plan to the Committee. The plan is available for review on the website Public comments may be submitted via the website for the next several weeks. The next steps is presentation at the College Governance Council on May 24th and taken to Board of Trustees in September 2017. Suggestions from the committee included for the plan to be reviewed with the SEEED – Stewardship for Equity, Equal Employment and Diversity committee as well as the newly formed Community of Practice on Social Justice and Sustainability through the Center for Teaching and Learning.
2017-2018 Fund 1 Budget Scenarios Update
Eloisa Briones, Vice President of Administrative Services updated the committee on the Tentative Budget Scenarios. Some minor changes from the original scenarios include a reduction in the International Student Growth allocation. The committee adopted the middle case scenario based on a goal of 7,242 FTES and load of 525 for use in the Tentative Budget. This scenario reflects a balanced budget of expenditures to resource allocation with a slight surplus of $10,460.
Budget Update
VP Briones also presented a memo from the State Chancellor’s Office on the Governor’s May Revise Budget for 2017-18. The State’s property and income tax receipts in April was lower than originally projected. However, the overall budget is very positive for community colleges.
District Committee on Budget and Finance Update
The committee also received a report from Barbara Lamson on the last meeting of the District Committee on Budget and Finance. Highlights included international student funding model, Retiree Benefits Trust fund information as well as update on the Skyline housing project. Currently, the project is under review by the City of San Bruno and once approved will issue permits.
Next meeting is September 14, 2017 (Thursday) from 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 6-203
Article by Judy Hutchinson