The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 2 p.m. in Building 4, Room 4343. The meeting began with constituency reports.
Classified Senate
Linda Allen reported that the Classified Senate will be receiving training in the Brown Act and Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary procedure in order to be consistent with the way other organizations on campus are functioning. Allen also reported that Ricardo Flores from the CTTL met with them and offered to provide a tour and training. The Classified Senate is finalizing their logo. Linda Allen is in consultation with Leigh Anne Shaw as they finalize the bylaws.
Associated Students Skyline College
Kayla Razavi, President of the Associated Students of Skyline College (ASSC) reported that 7 new senators have been appointed and have received training on their roles and responsibilities in ASSC. Kayla and additional student representatives will be attending the California Community Colleges Student Affairs Association and General Assembly conferences. Kayla reported that she attended the district student council meeting and met two candidates for the Board of Trustees. ASSC will sponsor an all college event on November 6 on Women Empowerment. Marlena Jackson and President Stanback Stroud have been invited to speak.
Academic Senate
Leigh Anne Shaw reported that the Academic Senate trained members on the functions of local and district academic senate. Additional work has been done to clarify the plus/minus district grading policy. The Academic Senate voted to approve the Sustainability plan. There was high faculty attendance at both of the Strategic Priorities forums. Kate Browne reported the senate is considering piloting a Wednesday senate meeting instead of the usual Friday time. Kate reported that the fall plenary session will be held in November in Southern California.
Comprehensive Diversity Framework
President Stanback Stroud reported that the SEEED Committee is finalizing the Comprehensive Diversity Framework. The Institutional Planning Council will consider it for recommendation at the October meeting. It is anticipated that the College Governance Council will receive it for action at the October meeting when the Accreditation Site Team is with us.
Student Success Taskforce – Legislation – Response
Dr. Joi Blake, Vice President, Student Services reported that the college is in the process of developing the student success plan (formerly called the matriculation plan). She would like to set up a workgroup to get broad input and to be sure to create opportunity for student success. It is recommended that the College Governance Council establish a college wide taskforce that reports to IPC in recommending a college plan to meet the 2014 deadline. Dr. Blake will provide a more specific timeline. The recommendation was unanimously approved.
Revised Delineation of Function Map
The revised Delineation of Function Map was considered and unanimously supported. The revised copy will be posted on the website.
Accreditation – Review Accreditation Quick Guide
Dr. Sarah Perkins, Vice President, Instruction provided an update on the accreditation quick guide. The document will be published within the next week. Each constituent group is encouraged to read it in preparation for the visit. Four hundred hard copies will be available. The Accreditation Co-chairs, Dr. Perkins and Dr. David Ulate, Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness will visit various groups and meetings to share the guide.
Educational Master Plan
Dr. Stanback Stroud reported that though the Educational Master Plan has been approved by the board, recommended by IPC and considered by College Council, we were not able to identify the meeting where an actual vote to recommend it for approval was taken. CGC voted to unanimously support the Educational Master Plan.
Budget and Planning Calendar
IPC recommended that the integrated planning and budget calendar be labeled as a three year calendar. CGC unanimously voted to recommend the calendar with no year label and is instead labeled the planning and budget calendar cycle.
Balanced Scorecard Goals and Strategies
CGC unanimously supported the IPC recommendation that the Balanced Scorecard Goals and Strategies be identified as three year goals.
Sustainability Plan
CGC unanimously voted to support the Sustainability Plan and to extend commendations to the faculty and staff (Anjana Richards, Carina Anttila-Suarez, Alina Varona, Sabrina Lawrence-Gomez) for their leadership and the work they performed in helping the college develop such an outstanding plan.
Human Resource Plan
The Human Resources Plan emerged from the integrated planning process (consideration of Board Goals, District Strategic Plan goals, College goals, community needs assessment results, multiple plans such as the technology plan, educational master plan, unit reviews, program reviews and administrative leadership unit reviews) and was considered by the Staffing for Student Success Taskforce in Spring 2013. In May 2013, the taskforce made a recommendation the Institutional Planning Council (IPC). Last week, IPC voted to recommend the Human Resource Plan to the College Governance Council. The forums were designed to provide broader communication before CGC considered whether to recommend the plan for adoption. On Wednesday, the College Governance Committee unanimously voted to recommend the plan for adoption. CGC unanimously supported the IPC Human Resource Plan recommendation.
Members of CGC discussed the need to provide a mid-point update/evaluation on the implementation of the Human Resource Plan. Leigh Anne Shaw commended President Stanback Stroud on the concept of the forums and encourage more forums in the future to update information.
Dr. Stanback Stroud provided a few minor changes to the list of positions including the title of the Study Abroad Coordinator, the location of an office assistant and the addition of a program services coordinator for the Career Advancement Academies.
Next meeting agenda
The next meeting will include the following agenda items: Comprehensive Diversity Framework for Action and invite faculty and staff who led Sustainability work the meeting to receive a commendation.
The meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.
Article by Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, President.