The College Governance Committee met on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 from 2:10 – 4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. All council members were present.
The group considered the September 24, 2014 minutes unanimously and the minutes were approved. (M/S/U Browne/Perkins).
The group considered the 2013-2014 Annual Report unanimously and the report was approved. (M/S/U Blake/Utsumi).
Dynamics Between Disabled Students and their Professors
ASSC President Nicole Harris reported to CGC that some of her constituents have experienced poor treatment from their professors. She would like to find a way for professors to be more empathetic in the classroom environment as well as addressing different fallacies for different DRC Students.
Dr. Sarah Perkins suggested that the CTTL could schedule workshops in collaboration with DRC throughout the year. Dr. Stroud recommended that Dr. Blake work with Nicole to direct her concern to the Faculty Leadership and Administration Leadership of DRC.
Web Access is not Accessible to Everyone
ASSC President Nicole Harris shared with the CGC that many students have had trouble with the WebAccess and the online components of their classes because WebAccess is not accessible. It is difficult for visually impaired students to navigate and decipher how the professors set up their sites.
Dr. Stroud will have a discussion in Cabinet so that Dr. Blake and Dr. Perkins can work with their departments to look into this concern.
EFMP Task Force – Reconstitute
President Stanback Stroud explained to the committee the history of the Educational Facilities Master Plan Task Force.
The Former Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) had Educational Facilities Master Planning Process (EFMP) Taskforce to provide overarching constituency input. With impending CIP, we may want to resurrect the EFMP Task Force.
The purpose of this task force is to support college engagement in the revision and implementation of the Educational Facilities Master Planning Process during the Capital Improvement Program #3. The Task Force will serve as a means for faculty, staff, students and the community to provide input into the development and implementation of the EFMP.
EFMP Task Force will serve as a communication conduit to support college knowledge of the status and progress of CIP-3. We suggest that EFMP meet quarterly to keep everyone informed and be able to provide input as needed. The membership would be from each constituent leadership group, representatives from some of the projects (i.e. someone from theater, etc), administrators, students and community representatives. Vice President of Administrative Services Eloisa Briones will take the lead on calling this Task Force together.
(M/S/U Kate Browne, Michele Haggar) to reconstitute the EFMP Task Force. Unanimously.
Network at Night Event
Thursday, October 23rd from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Hosting Gallery there will be a multi-Chamber Mixer. This event will be to inform the multiple chambers of our service area of the Educational Master Plan and share with them the impact of the bond measure to the College. Jose Nunez, Vice Chancellor of Facilities Planning, Maintenance & Operations, will be making a 5 minute presentation with photos of current needs.
Academic Senate Report
Academic Senate President Kate Browne reported to the CGC of their Fall Academic Senate meetings that will have visits from key administrators such as President Stanback Stroud who spoke on the college plans and challenges. Dr. Angélica Garcia reported on the Student Equity Plans and Dr. Sarah Perkins discussed professional development.
In the coming Senate meetings Dr. Joi Blake will attend and speak about Student Services, Aaron McVean will discuss research and data and Jonathan Paver plans to discuss learning technologies.
The Senate have new committees that indicate areas of activity: College Accreditation Oversight, Faculty Evaluation Guidance, Study Abroad, Minimum Qualifications (Psychology, Reading).
Upcoming discussion on the District Strategic plan development and new Resource Allocation Model. At the next SPARC meeting, Thursday, October 30 beginning at 2:00 p.m. in room 6202, Executive Vice Chancellor, Kathy Blackwood will present the new model.
The Senate and the ASSC are working together on the Disabilities Awareness month. This will increase faculty-student involvement on joint efforts.
There is a concern that the District Academic Senate was not consulted on the 2015-2016 Academic Calendar which is going to the Board of Trustees for approval Wednesday, October 22. Senate President Browne and Senate Vice President Fredericks feel that the information should have been shared. Dr. Stroud explained that the calendar is a negotiated item with AFT and the District. It would be appropriate to direct their concern to AFT because the calendar is not a governance issue.
Classified Senate Report
Classified Senate President Alana Utsumi and Vice President Michele Haggar have been researching the possible need for a Classified Staff Code of Ethics, due to a conversation between one of the accreditation site visiting team members and a previous President of the Classified Senate. After meeting with the President and Vice-President of the Cañada College Classified Senate this month, the two groups agreed that, while the Board Policy 2.21 DOES meet accreditation standards, it does not allow the Classified Senate equal representation with the Academic Senate or Associated Students, as those members have drafted and accepted a Code of Ethics specific to their constituency group. In an effort to give a voice to the classified employees, and work towards change at the state level, our statewide 4CS (CA Community Colleges Classified Senate) has suggested and encouraged each Classified Senate to create their own Code of Ethics. As such, we will continue to discuss and work towards creating that document.
At the Senate’s last meeting, they went through each Board Policy that was up for review. Senate Vice President Haggar acted as proxy for Linda Allen, representing the Classified Senate at the October 2014 District Shared Governance Meeting.
Associated Student Body of Skyline College Report
ASSC President Nicole Harris shared with the CGC that next Thursday, October 30 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the main quad the ASSC will be hosting Skyloween 2014.
Four of the ASSC Council members attended the CCCSSAA which is The Community Colleges of California Student Affairs Association in Los Angeles at the Sheraton Hotel. Students were able to attend workshops designed to enhance leadership skills. We were actually able to make connections with key constituency groups, such as the black caucus. The black caucus is interested in doing something at Skyline College.
The ASSC was able to fund the Financial Aid, Transfer Center, and Phi Theta Kappa requests for their events. Four of the ASSC Council members will be attending General Assembly in Los Angeles in November.
Currently ASSC is in the planning stages for a Cancer Awareness event in November or December as well as planning other events for the remainder of the school year.
President Harris gave an update of the Skytalks event. There has been a Task Force created and a name change. Also they are gathering questions and searching for interview participants.
Vice President Dennis Zheng is a member of the Bond Oversight Committee and the ASSC is supporting Measure A.
Vice President Zheng and Amory Cariadus created a survey about improvements that student might on campus. The results will be shared with CGC at a later date.
Vice President Zheng explained that there have been many student clubs that have been inactive in the past. He has worked with the clubs and has created a list of 36 active clubs on campus. The active clubs are:
- Anthropology Club
- Association of Innovative Minds
- Auto Tech
- Black Student Union (BSU)
- Ceramics Club
- Chess Club
- Cosmetology Club
- Dance Honors Society
- Dead Beat Writers
- Fashion Network
- Filipino Student Union (FSU)
- Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)
- Heartwrenchers
- Honors Club
- Hoop’s Club
- Inspiring Community Leaders
- International Affairs Student Club (ISAC)
- Journalism Club
- Kappa Beta Delta
- Latino American Student Organization (LASO)
- Latino Unidos
- Model United (MUN)
- Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
- Public Speaking Club
- Respiratory Therapy (RT)
- Science and Research Club
- Skyline Women
- Society of Hispanic Professional
- Stock Exchange
- Student Roundtable
- Surgical Technology
- Theater Club
- TRIO Club
- Veteran’s Club
- Women In Transition (WIT)
News and accreditation
President Stroud reported that the CCCCO has an item in the consultation process that will change the Board of Governors existing Title 5 regulations requiring all colleges to be accredited by ACCJC. The new regulations will remove ACCJC and require accreditation by a regional accreditor as approved by the Board of Governors and recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965.
SAD Seasonal Affect Disorder
Dr. Joi Blake, Vice President of Student Services shared with the CGC that Faculty Member Jennifer Merrill conducted a survey and recommended SAD lighting to the Health and Safety Committee. SAD is a type of depression that’s related to changes in the seasons. Jennifer presented findings and has asked the Health and Safety Committee to identify a location on campus for special lights can be installed to help people with SAD. One of the locations suggested was in building 6, first floor student lounge. President Stanback Stroud indicated that the recommendation will be taken through the governance process including the SPARC Committee.
Kate Browne gave kudos to Michele Haggar for sharing her career story. There were 80 people in attendance at the Career Pathways in Education event sponsored by ECE/EDU.
Senate President Browne also reported that CCCCO Vice Chancellor of Governmental Affairs visiting the campus Friday, October 17th. He was impressed by our campus and plans to visit again.
Dr. Blake reported that the annual Shake Out Drill was a success. From the event, there is work being done on updating the building captains list.
Dr. Perkins shared with the CGC that 2-3 times a year Skyline College gives a presentation to the Board of Trustees. At the October 22nd Board of Trustees meeting the Skyline College Beta Theta Omicron (BΘO) Chapter made presentation. Our chapter has won the Distinguished Chapter Award for our Region.
Vice President of Administrative Services, Eloisa Briones gave an update of the new resource allocation model. A new model will be implemented in the Fall. Executive Vice Chancellor, Kathy Blackwood will be making a presentation at the next SPARC meeting being held Thursday, October 30th at 2:00 p.m. in room 6202.
Meeting Adjourned