The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 2:10-4:00 pm in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Linda Allen, Joi Blake, Eloisa Briones, Kate Browne, Davante Cade, Sarah Perkins, Pricsilla Sanchez, Leigh Anne Shaw, and Regina Stanback Stroud. Members absent were Pat Tyler
Approval of Minutes
The February 26th minutes were approved with one member abstaining. (M/S/U Prcsilla Sanchez/Eloisa Briones.)
Academic Senate Report
Leigh Anne Shaw reported that both she and Kate Browne attended the Spring 2014 ASCCC Plenary which was held at the Westin Hotel at SFO April 10-12, 2014. Leigh Anne shared with the committee some resolutions that were discussed at the ASCCC Plenary. She referred the committee to the Skyline Shines story from April 18th. The resolutions were:
• 2.01 S14 Modify Title 5 to Allow Colleges to be Accredited by Any Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agency
• 2.03 S14 Explore Use of Simulated Accreditation Site Visits
• 7.01 S14 Explore Participation in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) for Distance Education Offerings
• 7.02 S14 Allowing “P” Grades for Courses in the Major for the Associate Degree for Transfer
• 12.01 S14 Consistent and Sustainable Funding for Professional Development
• 13.03 S14 Add Established At-Risk Student Groups to Exemptions Under Board of Governors Fee Waiver Policy
According to the Skyline Shines article, several resolutions came up suggesting or defining ways to offer the Bachelor’s Degree at CCCs; currently, the ASCCC is opposed to offering Bachelor’s Degrees at CCCs. All resolutions on this topic failed but one: 13.01 S14 Researching the Feasibility of the CCC Bachelor’s Degree
Skyline College Academic Senate will conduct their elections soon. The ballots should be finalized April 25th and by May 9th there will be the final results. They are also working on their by-laws.
Classified Senate Report
Linda Allen reported that at the last Classified Senate meeting there was a discussion on the Academic Calendar and how it affects the Classified Staff. The meeting was exciting because of the discussions which also included E-Cigarettes and who uses them. The Classified Senate continues to work on the Code of Ethics along with the Canada and CSM. Linda has asked for support for Classified Staff to join in on a group picture that will be taken at 1 p.m. April 24th. The photo will be used for our website.
The Classified Senate organized a social Thursday, April 17th at the Surf Spot restaurant in Pacifica which was well attended.
July 17th the Skyline College Classified Senate will host a State Wide Classified Senate meeting on our campus.
The Classified Senate elections will be held May 5-9.
Associated Student Body of Skyline College Report
Pricsilla Sanchez reported to the committee that April 23rd the ASSC held an Easter egg hunt for the ECE Children.
She shared some upcoming events that will be held here at Skyline College:
Tim Wise will be speaking Thursday, April 24th in room 6202
BSU is sponsoring a Basketball Tournament which will be held Saturday, April 26th
Dr. Cornel West will be speaking in the Theater Wednesday, April 30th
Friday, May 2nd the ASSC will attend the SSCCC general assembly. The ASSC elections will be held May 7-9th. There will be an ice cream social to meet the candidate event May 6th. The new District Student Trustees is Rupinder Bajwa from CSM. Pricsilla also reported that the Skyline College ASSC will make a presentation to the Board of Trustees at their meeting Wednesday, April 23rd.
College Media Guidelines
President Regina Stanback Stroud gave some background of the College Media Guidelines. She shares that Skyline College publishes a style guide which contains a set of standards for the publication of our documents and the use of the logo. It also includes helpful information on other communications including communicating with the media. In an effort to make the resource in MCPR (Marketing, Communication and Public Relations) known, we alerted the college to the guidelines however, we miscommunicated the information and created a lot of concern and confusion around the intent and whether administration was attempting to suppress faculty and staff speech to the media.
President Stroud reported that she issued an apology to the college community and promised that we would take the guidelines through the governance process. She also indicated that the college worked with the district office for guidance. The draft guidelines were distributed to CGC for consideration and recommendation to the president.
President Stroud reminded the group that the Media Guidelines are to be used as a resource. Cherie Colin, Director of MCPR reported on the Media Guidelines and how her office is available to assist when needed. Leigh Anne Shaw asked if there is a timeline to follow in order to send information to students. Cherie will add a timeline for press released to the Style Guide.
Some suggestions for the Media Guideline is to be consistent with the use of the labels “MCPR” and “PIO”. There should be clear understanding of the change in department name.
(M/S/U Joi Blake/Sarah Perkins.) The motion to recommend the Media Guidelines with recommended changes related to the use of PIO and MCPR to be included in the style guide was passed unanimously.
Skyline Shines Award
Regina Stanback Stroud reported that the month of May is when we nominate the Skyline Shines nominees. There is one nominee from the Community who can be a community member or a group/business and one nominee from Skyline College and that can be an individual or department/group. Anyone can make a nomination for one or both categories.
The nomination forms are available in May with a deadline for mid-May for submission to the President’s Office. At the end of May the CGC reviews the nomination form and decides who the honorees will be for 2014. The honorees are announced at the Skyline College August Opening Day event.
Monday, May 19th from 2:30-3:30 was selected as the date and time when the CGC will possibly meet to discuss the nominations. If there is only one submission for each category then an electronic voting will take place.
Also, a draft of the CGC Annual report will be sent to the committee for review and approval. The annual report will be sent to the committee before May 19th.
IPC and CBC Merger
David Ulate, Dean of PRIE, presented to the CGC the merger of IPC and CBC. Both IPC and CBC are recommending that the IPC and CBC committees be merged starting with the 2014-2015 academic year. A revised description of the meeting and the members will be sent to the President’s Office to update the Compendium of Committees.
(M/S/U Leigh Anne Shaw/Joi Blake.) The motion carried unanimously recommend to the president a change in the participatory governance structure to include the merging of IPC and CBC.
Joi Blake announced that on Friday, April 25th from 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon 500 kindergartens from our local San Bruno School District will participate in the first annual Kindercaminata.. John Mosby, Dean of Enrollment Services solicited volunteers for the event which will be held in the gym and building 4.
Regina Stanback Stroud thanked the member of the CGC for good conversation throughout the year and successful completion of reports and plans which also included the Accreditation process.
Kate Browne announced that State Senator Jerry Hill will be the keynote speaker at the ECE graduation Thursday, May 15th from 5-7 p.m.