The College Budget Committee held its last meeting for this academic year on May 8, 2014. CBC discussed the presentation made by Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Blackwood last week of the draft of the new resource allocation model. The District is considering a new allocation model and is soliciting feedback. Executive Vice Chancellor Blackwood is on a listening tour to engage in conversation that is actively being held by faculty, staff, and administration in various shared governance groups at the three colleges and the district office.
The Skyline College Executive Council submitted a three-page response to the draft proposal and is still continuing to contribute ideas. CBC’s comments and concerns as expressed last week have been heard and are being carefully considered as the model undergoes further revision and the conversation about it continues.

CBC has recommended that the District seriously consider: (1) is there a need for a new model; (2) if so, any changes made should be made to improve support for student learning; and (3) innovative and effective practice should drive the budget, and not the budget drive practice. An advisory vote was taken and majority of the members present agreed that no change be made to the current allocation model.The chairs of CBC were requested to forward the results of this vote immediately. CBC expressed gratitude and appreciation for Academic Senate President Leigh Anne Shaw for her work and leadership as co-chair of the College Budget Committee.