On December 21, 2016 Skyline College Workability III Program Manager Clyde H. Lewis completed his doctoral studies by successfully defending his dissertation which focused on the characteristics, motivators and barriers of first generation doctoral students in the California State University (CSU) System. This mixed methods study examined how students who were the first in their family to pursue higher education remained academically successful on their educational journey toward the doctorate.
The findings from this study suggest that first-generation CSU doctoral students were less likely to live on campus, receive familial support about academics, or utilize institutional supports during their undergraduate years. Findings also suggest that the use of athletics and having a mentor were integral to early academic success. The value of networking and peer groups was also noted as being key to the academic success of this diverse student group.
Findings from this study can be used to inform the development and strengthening of existing and planned programs that are designed to support first-generation students.
Article By Clyde Lewis | Photo By Dr. Jamal Cooks