linda and maureenAs a member of the Advisory Committee on Legislation (ACL), Bay Area 2 Representative Linda Allen joined a host of Community College Leaders at this year’s Annual Legislative Conference, January 24-26, 2015 at the Sheraton Grand in Sacramento.  Linda is the classified representative from the California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS).

The primary responsibility of the Advisory Committee on Legislation (ACL) is to advise the League boards (CCCT/CEOCCC) on state and federal legislation affecting community colleges, and advocacy strategies. The committee reviews legislation and related issues requiring legislative resolution, develops appropriate legislative solutions and recommends appropriate league advocacy priorities.

The League’s Annual Legislative Conference provides a unique opportunity to connect with other advocates and learn the latest news on higher education in California.  During this two-day conference, attendees are encouraged to visit their legislative representatives and advocate for higher education.

For more information on the Community College League of California visit:

Article by Linda Allen