As of February, the Classified Senate has organized opportunities for staff members to support beach clean-up efforts. Members joined the Pacifica Beach Coalition over the past two months at Mussel Rock Beach and Linda Mar State Beach. Both opportunities were extremely fun and collectively participants were able to haul off about 50 pounds of trash and recyclable material off the beaches! Staff members were greeted at the start of their shift with coffee and pastries donated my Michele Haggar and Christina Truijo. A special thanks goes to Sandra Hatzistratis, Gretel Barreto, Timurhan Vengco, Christina Truijo, and Ricardo Flores for participating and supporting the initial efforts!
Beach clean-up efforts have been a great way for Classified Staff to continue to contribute and show support for Environmental Sustainability and if you are interested in volunteering you can join for another volunteer opportunity on Saturday, May 13. Participants will be joining the Pacifica Beach Coalition again from 9:00 am- 11:00 am at Sharp Park Beach, just down the hill from Skyline College. You must RSVP in order to ensure there are enough supplies.
If you do RSVP, check out the MAP for directions and contact Michele Haggar for more information.
Article and Photo by Michele Haggar