Classified SenateThe California Community Colleges Board of Governors created the Classified Employee of the Year Award to honor community college classified employees who demonstrate the highest level of commitment to professionalism and community colleges. Every college district is invited to submit a nominee. Nominees must be classified employees with a minimum of 5 years of service as a permanent employee within the nominating Community College District (full-time or part-time).

All nominees will be evaluated on their commitment to the mission of community colleges; professional ethics and standards; serving the institution through participation in professional and/or community activities; and serving as a leader beyond the local institution. A $500 cash award and plaque will be presented to each statewide recipient at an upcoming meeting of the Board of Governors. Anyone may nominate an employee consistent with the criteria set by the CCC Board of Governors.

Each district is allowed to submit one nomination. SMCCCD is soliciting the names of four proposed nominees, one each from the three colleges and the District office. The College Council will meet to screen the nominations and select a Skyline College nominee on February 25 — in time for the agenda packet that will be assembled on March 4, 2015 for the March 11, 2015 SMCCCD Board of Trustees’ meeting. All four of the nominees will be recognized at this District Board meeting.

The criteria and nominating form are available online on the right side of the main page of the Chancellor’s office website at

Here you will find the Guidelines and Instructions and the Nomination Form.

Anyone can make a nomination. Simply submit the completed nomination form in electronic format to Theresa Tentes at by Friday, February 20, 2015 at 12 noon.