
On Wednesday, March 12, the President of Skyline College welcomed the Consul General of Mexico, Dr. Andres Roemer, for a partnership discussion on the topics of education and economic


Convened by Skyline College’s Division of Global Learning Programs and Services, the meeting included a brief tour of the Skyline College campus that included the Cosmetology Department, led by Coordinator Kim Jackson, as well as, the Solar and Building Science Learning Center lead by Dean Ray Hernandez and Instructor Bruce Greenstein.

Following the tour, College leadership and the Consul General enjoyed a working-lunch during which they explored partnership opportunities between international educational and economic development programs both at Skyline College and in Mexico.

“We are honored to welcome the Consul General to San Mateo County and provide him an opportunity to see the potential partnership possibilities with Skyline College,” said Richard Soyombo, Dean of Global Learning Programs and Services.

Article by Pcyeta Stroud | Photos by Keisha Ford