Skyline College President Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud has been invited to join the National Advisory Board for the Center for Community College Student Engagement.
Cumulatively, the Center has now surveyed (via the Community College Survey of Student Engagement [CCSSE] and the Survey of Entering Student Engagement [SENSE]) over 2 million students at more than 900 different colleges in 50 states and the District of Columbia, several island nations, as well as Canadian provinces.
The quantitative data have since 2002 been supported by the Center’s student focus group research. And by working closely with member colleges, systems and states, the Center is seeking always to strengthen its intended effects – supporting quality improvement and student success by improving educational practice.
According to the Center’s statement, this work could not have been accomplished without the highly valued contributions of their National Advisory Board, composed of community college leaders, outstanding researchers and policy influencers from across America. This small but distinguished group provides strategic guidance for the Center’s work through meetings conducted once annually in late spring.
Article by Connor Fitzpatrick