Skyline College held the second of an on-going series of campus forums on April 23 to review the status and progress of the college’s Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The District Facilities Planning and Operations Team, led by Vice Chancellor José Nuñez, reviewed the CIP planning process and behind the scenes activities currently underway since the passage of the $388 Million Measure H bond in November 2014.
Vice Chancellor Nuñez presented a Facilities Master Plan Map and described the larger projects planned for the campus. The Skyline College project list includes demolition of Building 1-Social Science/Creative Arts and subsequent new construction of that building, and new construction of an Environmental Science Building and an Energy Management Building, along with other projects. Phase 1 construction will likely begin in 2016.
Karen Powell, Executive Director of Facilities Maintenance & Operations, reviewed the process of a construction project from start to finish. Faculty and staff will be engaged when building user groups are formed, where they will have the opportunity to provide recommendations to the design teams.
SMCCCD has contracted with Swinerton Management Group to act as the construction management firm providing oversight for the various projects across the district. José introduced Thomas Fakner who has been assigned as the Swinerton Project Manager for Skyline College projects. José also announced the selection of BCA Architects for the Environmental Science Building, and Sally Swanson, Architects Inc. for the Energy Management Building.
Article by Eloisa Briones