On Monday, February 22 Skyline College hosted its third annual Brothers and Sisters Conference. This year’s theme, “Each One, Reach One: Each One, Teach One”, focused on each student’s civil responsibility to reach back into their communities. Keynote speaker Dr. Jamal Cooks (San Francisco State Graduate instructor), addressed this topic expressing the importance of higher education, using your social capital to complete your educational goal, and giving back to your community as a mentor.
Throughout the day, the students met with academic programs and support services on campus, learning about specific resources available. The students also experienced a campus-wide Spoken Word event. Student heard passionate poems that expressed positive messages of identify and perseverance. A campus tour followed as the students concluded their day.
The mission of the Brothers and Sisters Conference is to serve as a transitional and welcoming opportunity for African American students as they graduate from high school and go to college. Special thanks to everyone who participated. The conference was a HUGE success and our goal of creating a positive first experience for the students was reached.
Article by Kwame Thomas