Three Skyline College students presented a General Session at the Phi Theta Kappa Nevada/California Leadership Conference. The conference was held October 2-3 in Sacramento.
The Regional Board asked Sam Reveles, Pauline Maccay, and Donway Sy to present tips for success to the 150 Phi Theta Kappa members from other chapters at the conference. They were asked because the Skyline College chapter was the only Nevada/California chapter to receive international recognition for a College Project. Sam, Pauline, and Conway were active participants in the College Project. Skyline College’s Beta Theta Omicron Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa was named the 2015 Distinguished Chapter in the Nevada/California Region and the 2015 5th Most Distinguished Chapter at the international convention. The is the fifth regional distinguished chapter award and second international most distinguished chapter award for Skyline College.
The Phi Theta Kappa fall scholarship application is open. Please encourage students to apply.
Article by Christine Case