The BΘO-co-presidents Lasheana Husni, Kaitlyn Widjaja, Honors in action (HiA) VP Sahil Niwas, and VP of Scholarship Jerry Hnin attended the two-day Fall leadership conference of the PTK California/Nevada region on October 21-22, 2022 in El Segundo.
The conference presents professional development opportunities for students and advisors. Students learned about the power of positive criticism, and how to build a strong relationship with the college administration. They also received insights on how to strengthen their research and publication skills to support their work for the HiA research project and beyond. Throughout the two days, the team attended 15 educational forums and spent time at the college fair. During the breaks and college fair, the BΘO-student leadership team surveyed the conference attendees to gather data for their HiA project and built new connections with the attending chapter leaders.
The students were also recognized for their completion of the competitive edge online training during the ceremonial pinning event. This highly impactful training is available to all PTK members and focuses on time management, communicating effectively, boosting critical thinking, and research skills, and growing emotional intelligence among other things.
One of the many outcomes of the conference is the development of new workshops that the chapter officers plan to offer to the Skyline College campus community. For example, the idea for a workshop on how to run for official roles in the honors society was planted through the interaction with international president Keziah Ancheta from the Hawai’i chapter. Two of PTK’s hallmarks are Service and Leadership, PTK members can run for regional and international positions within the PTK organizations. Through this, the students gain valuable experience in campaigning, public speaking, and much more. Holding an officer position is an act of leadership and service to the community which aligns well with Skyline College values. If you do not want to wait for the workshop stop by one of the BΘO-chapters all member meetings. During these meetings, the officer team regularly shares their findings and lessons learned. The meetings are open to everyone interested in learning more about PTK, participating, and contributing to the chapter events. The next All-Member meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2022 at 1:30 -3:30 p.m. on the Skyline College Track and Field.
Article by Dr. Susanne Schubert