Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an International honor society that has been providing opportunities and support for two-year college students since 1929. BΘO (Beta Theta Omicron), Skyline College’s Phi Theta Kappa chapter has been an integral part of the Skyline community for over 20 years.
After 2 years of pandemic, BΘO is back in-person on campus and in the community.
On July 7th 2022, the newly elected cohort of officers took over their positions. The new officer team consists of nine dedicated students, Kaitlyn Gracella Huang Widjaja and Lasheana Dilian Husni as Co-Presidents, Laura Dickson (VP of College Project), Sahil Niwas (VP of Honors in Action Project), Florence Thwe (VP of Membership and Service), Hnin Thandar Win (VP of Communication and Records), Jerry Hnin (VP of Scholarship), Hilary Linn (VP of Leadership), and Thiri Wai Wai (VP of Fellowship).
Taking over the Beta Theta Omicron chapter this year, they immediately jumped right into action and started to continue the award-winning Computer Literacy and Internet Competency for Seniors (CLICS) throughout the summer followed by further planning for the new College Project. For this year’s College Project, the team has decided that they want to focus on providing support for Skyline College’s students on their academic journey to increase academic achievement and prevent burnout. Moreover, the project will also focus on providing students with information about resources and support that they could get on campus or at Skyline College generally. As part of the College project BΘO organized a workshop on Navigating College with freshman students as the target audience.
The team reconnected with Cañada and CSM PTK chapters and is looking forward to celebrating the annual induction on Friday, Nov. 18th at Skyline College, together again.
BΘO is back in-person and the team is eager to connect with the campus community, continue the tradition of service and support, and research. To find out more attend the next all-member meeting on Friday, Oct. 7th, from 1:30 – 3:30pm in the Skyline Library.
The BΘO chapter would like to recognize and thank deeply Dr. Christine Case for her dedication to PTK. Dr. Case went into well deserved retirement as BΘO advisor in May 2022. Under her guidance the Skyline PTK chapter held 5 star status for over 20 years. Many of the chapter’s research and community service contributions won awards and were published. The chapter is eager to uphold her legacy and competitive spirit.
Article by Hnin Thandar Win, Lasheana Dilian Husni, and Dr. Susanne Schubert