Lucy Revina is a student at Skyline College, studying electrical engineering & computer science, under the Science Technology & Health Meta Major. Lucy is a student intern in the BAEC Virtual Job Shadow Program for the fall 2020 semester, and as part of her internship, she’s a staff support volunteer for the San Bruno Chamber of Commerce. In her role as a student intern, Lucy uses her skills and expertise as part of the BAEC team, to support the College and the business community. Lucy loves robotics, renewable energy, and materials research. She is heavily influenced by the social justice and start-up of culture of the Bay Area, and her hobbyist projects and aspirations to leadership are result of that influence. When she’s not studying or volunteering, you can find Lucy hiking Alum Rock Park or roller-skating in San Francisco. To quote Lucy, “Regardless of where I am, I seek to find balance – between business, nature, and technology – and I’m overjoyed to do so at the BAEC!”
We are excited to have Lucy as part of the BAEC Team! Lucy is yet another example, of how Skyline College truly shines!
Article by Pcyeta Stroud | Image by Lucy Revina