BAEC Advisory BoardThe Bay Area Entrepreneur Center (BAEC) has a newly-established Advisory Board. The BAEC Advisory Board meets the first Wednesday of every month and is in its third consecutive session.  The Advisory Board’s goals are to better-define and clarify the role of the BAEC, as it relates to the College and to the community.  This includes program offerings, best practices for spreading news on events and providing much-needed visibility for business rental space opportunities within the Center.

The Advisory Board is comprised of a dynamic group of entrepreneurs, faculty members and College administrators. The Advisory Board Chair is a former BAEC alum, Isaac Reed.

The BAEC Advisory Board has been instrumental in planning the Fall Kickoff event that will take place on October 27, 2016 at the Bay Area Entrepreneur Center. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the bay area will be in attendance. The event will include a panel of guest speakers who will share their motivational stories and a moderated Q&A session with the audience. Come for the event, stay for the networking, sponsor give-aways, and refreshments.

If you are interested in joining our Board of Advisors please contact the Director of the Bay Area Entrepreneur Center, Pcyeta Stroud at

Article by Terri Wade | Photo by Linda Truong