The Disability Resource Center (DRC) participated in African American Heritage Month by raising awareness of a silent disability that is under-diagnosed in the African American community – Attention Deficient Hyper Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a disorder that is often diagnosed in childhood; however, it can persist in adolescents and adults. ADHD is characterized by difficulty concentrating, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity.
It is estimated that ADHD occurs in 4% of adults. While ADHD occurs at the same rates in African-American populations, fewer African Americans are diagnosed and treated for the disorder. Cultural reasons and access to health care are cited as reasons for the differential in diagnoses rates. (Information from WebMD and
Support is available if you have ADHD
Students who are diagnosed with ADHD are eligible for support services from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at Skyline College. If you have been diagnosed with ADHD or any other disability, please contact the DRC at (650) 738-4280 to sign up for services. If you are interested in learning more, please stop by our offices in Building 5, Room 5132.
Melissa Matthews, DRC Counselor/Coordinator provides a student with information about ADHD
Article by Melissa Matthews | Photo by Linda Allen