The spring 2015 ASTEP Family Night, which took place on Monday, February 23 was a blowout success! Initial promotion of this event comprised of a uniquely designed flyer that left those planning to attend in eager anticipation of what the evening would yield. This semester’s event included some distinctive adjustments to the program that were well received by both planning committee members and attendees alike. Such refinements involved the inclusion of an extremely talented student, DJ Jorge, who graced us with positive vibes that inspired us to “bust a few moves” at intermittent segments of the program.
We were also fortunate to experience a live performance hosted by Professor Kymberly Jackson’s Urban Music Ensemble. An interactive Skyline College Campus Resources activity also took place, led by ASTEP Professor, Danielle Powell, TRiO Counselor, Brianna Clay, and TLC English Instructional Aide, Chanel Daniels with prize incentives for the most engaged participants.
Last, but certainly not least, ASTEP Learning Community Coordinator and Associate Professor of Language Arts, Nathan Jones employed a new twist on service by inviting the young men in the audience to take the lead in serving dinner to the women, young children and elders in attendance before serving themselves. This was indeed a tribute to one of the keystone values of ASTEP as an affiliate of the Umoja Community, building unity through reciprocity.
Conjointly with the newer additions to this special occasion were some “oldie but goodies” such as the introduction of the support staff, faculty, and administrators who serve as allies for students within the ASTEP Learning Community led by ASTEP Counselor, Kwame Thomas. This included Vice President of Student Services, Carsbia Anderson, Vice President of Instruction, Sarah Perkins, Dean of Science, Mathematics, and Technology, Raymond Hernandez, and Dean of Language Arts, Mary Gutierrez. In addition, other support staff and faculty in attendance included Kathleen Tshifunda, President’s Office, English Professor, Gwendolyn Fuller, TRiO Director, Arash Daneshzadeh, Biology Professor, Carina Anttila-Suarez, ASTEP Counselor, Timothy Dupre, and TLC Manager, David Reed to name a few.
Later Professor Nathan Jones informed all attendees about the mission of the ASTEP Learning Community followed by a question and answer, as well updates about upcoming ASTEP events.
It is noteworthy that this was the first ASTEP Family Night in recent years open to the Skyline College Community as a whole, and this new adjustment benefitted both ASTEP students and staff, as well as friends of ASTEP. The ASTEP learning community welcomes students of all diverse backgrounds to join its ranks and strives to represent the experience of the African American community within Skyline College. For any questions about ASTEP, please feel free to contact ASTEP at 650-738-7037 or visit the program in Building 4.
Article by Chanel Daniels I Photos by Jayvonn McGlothen