This year’s pandemic did not stop the ASSC from pursuing a fully fledged calendar of online events available for all campus community members to attend using Zoom. The ASSC recognized Latinx Heritage Month beginning September 15 until its official ending on October 15. Filipinx American History Month ran through the month of October. The amazing events the ASSC hosted were:

ASSC Latinx Heritage Month Opening Day: Latinx Student Success – held on September 15. On Opening Day, the ASSC unveiled its theme for 2020 which was “Latinx Student Success”. A short opening address was given by Dean of Counseling, Dr. Luis Escobar in which he shared his experience navigating higher education as a Bay Area Latino. This was immediately followed by an awesome creative writing workshop by Martin Marquez who guided students to write strong affirmations of their culture/identity & how these ties into goal setting & success in education.

ASSC Latinx Heritage Month Community OFRENDA: normally, Student Life would turn the Student Study room into a safe space in which a community altar (ofrenda) would be created with photos, sugar skulls, messages, faux candles, food items as offerings for our students’ deceased loved ones. In lieu of being on campus, we created a safe virtual space on Padlet to submit a digital offering/tribute to their loved ones. You can view it here:

ASSC Latinx Heritage Month Intersectionality Discussion featuring Gia Cordova: held on September 23 – we were proud to bring back Gia Cordova, Latinx Cultural Practitioner who shared her experiences of being trans and Latinx. Gia gave a wonderful presentation & led a dialogue about the importance of remembering to tolerate intersectionality and that people are always representing more than just one piece of their identity.

ASSC Filipinx American History Month Mini-Artifacts Museum Online: with the help of their peers from Kababayan, the ASSC invited all students to contribute to their Padlet in which folks put up photos of commonly found items in Filipinx households as a way to do short story telling. You can view it here:

ASSC Filipinx American History Month Bay Area Music Panel – on October 6, the ASSC and Cipher brought online 3 of the most well known Filipinx American R&B groups ever: Drop-N-Harmony, Kai & One Vo1ce. These groups reigned the 90’s with their love ballads, their smooth vocals and hit songs on Bay Area radio stations. The artists shared with students their unique experiences & how they navigated the music world as Filipinx artists. You can view the event here:

ASSC Latinx Heritage Month Closing Event: Loteria Night! On October 15, the ASSC hosted the very first online Loteria game night with many students from across campus. This interactive loteria game was held using a Google App and over 30 students enjoyed playing together.

ASSC Filipinx American History Month Traditional Dance Troupes Presentation: on October 20, the ASSC was lucky to be joined by our guest speaker and Filipinx cultural practitioner Jae Tioseco. In this informational presentation, Miss Jae gave us an insight to the historic overview of Filipinx American Dance Troupes & their influence on both the community and culture over the decades. To rewatch the presentation, it can be found online here:

ASSC Filipinx American History Month: Pagalalakbay Educator’s Discussion Panel: on October 30, the ASSC closed Filipinx American History Month with their insightful discussion panel featuring our very own Dr. Liza Erpelo, Dr. Nate Navado, Dr. Roderick Daus- Magbual and soon to be Dr. Melanie Espinueva. The panel touched on their educational journeys, career paths & choices, challenges, etc. Then the ASSC gave participants the opportunity to ask questions – If you’d like to see and learn more about this event the full video link is attached below, it is on the ASSC YouTube Channel here:

Article by Felagot Desta & Ryan Samn

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