
Keeping a 2012-2017 Strategic Plan promise to strengthen community connections, Skyline College will open its doors starting the 2015-2016 academic year to a Middle College for high school students from the Jefferson Union High School and the San Mateo Union High School districts.  The Middle College will allow concurrently enrolled high school students to explore their career technology education aspirations, earn a high school diploma and simultaneously earn college units toward a certificate and/or an associate degree and/or toward being able to transfer to four-year university.

Raymond Jones, Ph.D. has been appointed as the Interim Director to plan, develop and implement this innovative educational option for high school students who are capable and independent learners but whose needs are not being met in the traditional high school environment.  The Middle College is a bold, creative and innovative educational enterprise for keeping Skyline College’s commitment to empowering and transforming a global community of learners to achieve.  For more information call (650) 738-4103 or e-mail jonesr@smccd.edu.

Article by Dr. Raymond Jones