For the first time, colleagues from across the 3 colleges met to collaborate professionally on the trail! Following the lead of Professor Jessica Marshall with Cañada College colleagues last year, we teamed up to offer an afternoon hike on the Purisima Creek Redwoods trail on the afternoon of Opening Day. We met at the north parking lot on Skyline Blvd south of Highway 92, introducing ourselves across all three campuses. Down the trail we went, “talking shop” with each other. At the turnaround mark, we paused for a water break and photo before trekking back up. Great company, swapping stories and finding connections among us all.
Mark your calendars for the whole year! Jessica and Kate will offer a hike each Flex Day. We will vary the locations, and hope to plan the District ones to be close to the host college. There are so many beautiful hiking spots in our area- let’s take advantage of the natural environment and the opportunity to get to know each other, hike together, and return refreshed.
Our next Flex Day hike will be at Wunderlich Park in Woodside, so get those hiking shoes, water, and yourself ready for a fun and relaxing time on October 12, 2022. Future dates and locations will be flex days in January and April. Come outside and play with us!
Article by Kate Williams Browne | Photos by Jessica Marshall