Please save the date for “Sharing HerStories” taking place Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m., in-person at Skyline College Library (Building 5, 2nd floor) as well as online via Zoom. In celebration of womxn’s history, the Library is pleased to provide an inclusive space for all who identify as womxn to gather and share stories about themselves – and for all genders to share about the important womxn in their lives.
Stories in all formats are encouraged including narrative, poetry, song, art, and other creative media. We encourage storytellers to share for approximately 3 to 4 minutes.
Find out more about Sharing HerStories and other inspirational womxn who have shaped and are shaping our lives today here: A virtual book display highlighting award winning books available for check out is included. New and classic books on women in our society will also be displayed and available for checkout at the March 23 library event. A photo exhibit featuring Skyline College womxn and inspiring womxn change-makers is also on display.
Please direct any questions to faculty librarian Pia Walawalkar at
We look forward to sharing stories with you soon!